Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Spring Boot Actuator: How to change the endpoint base url

By default, actuator management endpoints are mapped to the top level url: "/info", "/metrics", "/beans", etc.
That may be good. But probably it would be better to have some base path. For example, "/admin/metrics" or "/manage/info".
Spring Boot provides quick and easy solution.


In your configuration resource file ( or application.yml): 
management.contextPath: /admin
Now, all the management endpoints are mapped under "/admin" base path.
"/admin/metrics", "/admin/info", "/admin/health"...

Implementation Classes

In spring boot actuator source code:
    • property values representation class
  • org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.EndpointWebMvcAutoConfiguration
    • @Configuration which uses above ManagementServerProperties

Friday, October 18, 2013

How spring-boot enables actuator by adding jar dependency?

I was reading spring-boot source code, and wondered how it is auto-detecting actuator features just by adding jar dependency.


"spring-boot-actuator" adds management-endpoints(http) to the spring-boot application just by adding the jar file.

endpoints are metrics, health-check, spring-security auth audit, etc.

please see here for feature details.

To add actuator to your spring-boot application, add this dependencies:



Mechanism of auto-detecting spring-boot-actuator

So, how spring-boot application detects spring-boot-actuator?

Sample spring-boot application:

public class MyApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

"org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication" is the starting point for spring-boot application.

Auto-detection Steps

  1. During "SpringApplication#run" method, it creates an application context from the given source classes("@Configuration" annotated classes). In this case "MyApplication" class.
  2. When "MyApplication" class is being processed as a spring's Java-configuration, "@EnableAutoConfiguration" annotation gets interpreted. "@EnableAutoConfiguration" is a spring-boot(autoconfigure) annotation which is handled by "org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfigurationImportSelector". (how spring handles @Enable* annotation is well documented in this blog post.)
  3. In "EnableAutoConfigurationImportSelector", it uses "" from spring-core to load configurations whose key is  "org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration".
    This method reads "META-INF/spring.factories" from jar files.(multiple jar files can have "spring.factories" and when they have same key, comma delimited values will be merged.)
    spring-boot-actuator contains "META-INF/spring.factories" file. The value of the file is a comma delimited list of "@Configuration" classes under "org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure" package, which are actuator bean definition classes.
  4. These configuration classes will be imported into the main application-context, so that, spring-boot-actuator beans become available in the application.

Same mechanism is used for "spring-boot-autoconfigure"
Its jar file contains "spring.factories" file.

Writing a Custom Spring-Boot Module

In sum, you can write a spring-boot module which will be auto-detected by spring-boot application based on the presence of the jar file:
  • include "META-INF/spring.factories" file
    • key: "org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration"
    • value: comma delimited path to @Configuration file(s) for your module

Thursday, October 10, 2013

released datasource-proxy v1.2

I released datasource-proxy version 1.2

main feature:
  • query and parameter replacement
    • new QueryTransformer and ParameterTransformer APIs to transform query and parameter before executing queries
  • many refactoring

They are available in maven central.


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